Why Choose Inbound Marketing When the Economy Slows

Especially in economically complicated times like the one we are experiencing today, instead of continuing to waste time and resources in often useless actions, it is necessary to dedicate greater attention to the study of a valid strategy, also exploiting tools that do not necessarily have a cost.

Inbound marketing is the best method in the b2b world, even (and especially) when times get tough. We talk about it in today’s article.

How to use inbound marketing for lead generation

Inbound marketing is considered the most effective strategy in the B2B sector not only to generate new valuable leads , but above all to create a long-term relationship of trust with them.

Here are our tips for a successful plan.

Have a compelling story
More and more b2b companies today tell generic, banal and boring stories. Why would anyone do business with you if you are not willing to invest in creating an exciting, compelling and engaging story for the company?

What makes the company extraordinary? What differentiates it from the other three companies that do the exact same thing? And what makes it better?

In 10 seconds, the homepage of the company website must answer these questions, transmitting a captivating message that captures attention.

Once you have the right story, you need to use it everywhere, including in the sales process.

This alone will help, without large investments, to obtain more leads, more sales opportunities and more customers , increasing b2b turnover .

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Design targeted campaigns
Most B2B marketers don’t know how to design a campaign that is an extension of their company’s overall story , includes all the right tactics, is built to be optimized over time, and achieves the expected results.

Yet this is essential when your marketing budget is limited.

You need to leverage your existing resources, tell the story quickly and effectively, over and over again, until prospects are ready to move forward with the sales process.

Campaigns must include engaging, educational and useful content and can no longer be one-to-many, but become one-to-one , that is, highly personalized.

This needs to go far beyond the concept of “Dear Paul” at the beginning of an email. You need to speak directly to the prospects , considering their company role and industry, and clearly stating what problem the proposed solution will solve.

These upgrades do not incur additional costs, but they improve campaign performance and impact results.

Reallocate budget to content creation

Content is an integral part of the inbound marketing strategy.

Many companies today rely heavily on paid advertising, one of the most widely used marketing tactics and probably one of the most misunderstood.

inbound marketing strategy

Paid digital media is not a tap that turns on and off, but a strategy that you invest in for the long term and that must be optimized over time .

While you may get new contacts and leads Chinese in Europe from paid campaigns, you are not building a trusting relationship with prospects that can create long-term value.

Instead, it is better to create valuable content for the company to use on social media, to get organic visitors, to leverage in the sales process, on the company website and in email campaigns.

This content helps tell the story of the company, engage potential customers to make them feel comfortable, educate them and move them along the purchasing journey .

Optimize your business website

One of the most powerful marketing and sales tools is the b2b website , yet most companies continue to underestimate its potential and fail to invest in its optimization.

When you have to be very careful about how and where you spend your marketing budget, it is important to make sure that your b2b site gets the attention it deserves.

It is important to remember that the website:

tells the story of the company
attracts the attention of potential customers
Create new sales opportunities
educates prospects and answers their questions
and it does so 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

But, to do that, it needs to be optimized in the right way .
Here is a video to go deeper into this topic:

The website needs an engaging and exciting story right from the homepage . It needs to capture visitors, attract them and engage them. It needs educational content, including b2b videos , that people can watch to learn something new.

You need to create an experience that makes potential customers say, “Wow, this company is different and I’d love to work with them!”

Pages should be created to rank in search engines for important keywords and phrases . People who visit these pages should want to click, read, watch, and share the content. These strategic interactions signal to Google that the page has high value, and as a result, the rankings improve.

To be effective, the site must:

be optimized for mobile devices, offering a great experience regardless of the device
be safe and comply with new privacy rules and regulations
have a mix of freely accessible content that requires user data to be viewed
be designed to know who lands on each page, what they are looking for and, most importantly. What you want them to do on that page.
Today, a website cannot be just an online brochure. But must be a strategic initiative to invest in to achieve specific business goals .

Leverage technology to create personalized one-to-one campaigns

B2B inbound marketing campaigns need to be highly personalized, but creating an individual campaign for each contact can be difficult.

This is where sales and marketing technology comes in. Sure, the most cutting-edge tools require some investment, but it quickly pays off when it comes to automation and increased ability to create one-to-one campaigns .

Today, almost everything can be personalized. Language, content, images, offers in emails, landing pages, and in messages delivered can be customized based on data.

Tools such as marketing automation, corporate CRM, and personalization features allow you to properly collect users’ personal information and leverage it within inbound campaigns.

Chinese in Europe
Not convinced? Here are some facts:

72% of customers choose to engage only with personalized messages ( SmarterHQ )
80% of customers are more likely to purchase from a company that offers a personalized experience ( SlideShare )

The more you can offer a tailored experience to customers and prospects. Including personalized messages, offers, and content, the more effective your inbound marketing plan will be.

This translates into more leads and, therefore, more sales opportunities for sales .

This has increased costs, made it difficult to find and retain talent, and made it UK Phone Number List necessary to increase the budget, often beyond limits.

And when it comes time for a company to cut costs, one of the first items to suffer the consequences is marketing.

While this may mean a reduction in staff, it does not mean giving up on marketing initiatives and strategies and achieving set goals.

Instead of hiring new resources, incurring additional fixed costs, you can consider working with a b2b marketing agency .

inbound marketing agency

Why choose to work with an inbound marketing agency?

Instead of waiting months just to hire one or two people, the agency can have an entire team working for the company in a short amount of time. Some agencies can even provide a dedicated team that can potentially complete months of work in just a few weeks .

Industry specialists are available

The best agencies have a diverse set of resources, skills. And talents that they can bring to the business to write content, design campaigns, produce videos. Build websites, manage strategy, and craft messaging in the best way.

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